What is the 8(a) Stars III GWAC?
The 8 (a) STARS GWACs are known governmentwide as best-in-class, easy-to-use, streamlined procurement solutions to obtain IT‐related services from pre-vetted 8 (a) prime contractors. As a Best-in-Class contract, 8(a) STARS III is designated by the Office of Management and Budget as a preferred governmentwide solution.
The STARS III contract provides a full range of Information Technology services and solutions in addition to two Sub-Areas: Emerging Technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and robotic process automation; and OCONUS IT services to support worldwide needs. Stars III has a $50 Billion ceiling. This acquisition solution allows for Sole-source task orders up to the 8(a) competitive threshold.
Features of Stars III
Benefits of Stars III
Pertinent Details :
Master Contract : 47QTCB22D0118
Duns: 808251238
Cage : 4XE13
Program Manager :
Jamila Jones